Saturday, January 21, 2006


It is such a long time since I sat in a sea kayak, three months or so. Last summer I think I had an overdose of kayaking, not the fun kayaking - trips and such but the work related kayaking. The worst part about work related kayaking is the fact that it generally does not involve the sea or nature – the reasons that got me interested in this sport to begin with. The main parts of work related kayaking, at least the one I did, involved either sitting at a desk or being in a pool.
So I am very glad that I quit my job selling kayaks and I am considering dropping the coaching as well and make sea kayaking a hobby again, that way I see more good kayaking in my future.
We have decided to take all of our stuff with us when we move to Victoria, we will lease a 20ft container and this way we will be able to take our kayaks with us.
The only thing worrying about that plan is storage for the kayaks in Victoria – we will probably be staying at the Uvic campus and the family townhouses there do not include a garage. I am searching for a kayak club in Victoria as kayak clubs often offer spaces for lease to store kayaks. Well if anyone reading this has any suggestions please feel free to advise.
I could sell the Romany and the Explorer and buy new ones from Shawna and Leon but I’d hate to as both of them are exactly as I like them plus the wait for a new NDK boat is often very long.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Oskar Josua B/W

Well here is my first enlargement from film - I scanned it in on a cheap scanner so the quality is not so hot, but the print version is very nice.

Monday, January 16, 2006


Went on a photo trip yesterday, trying to gather some stuff for school. This photo is for the colour Blue. It reminds me of a painting, it is heavely photoshopped so that´s maybe the reason.
Enlarged my first proper prints today. I enlarged a photo of Oskar, I was pleased with the results, came out very nice. I will put it up here later - have to scan it into the computer.
Yesterday was very cold - I am not used to fiddling with technical things in the snow, like cameras. Have to buy some gloves with the fingers missing, dont know what these are called in english but in icelandic they are called "grifflur".
No news on the house sale, noone has been to look at the place, hope it goes well, we´ve got a lot riding on that.