A list

10 remarkable and life changing things in my life in 2005
01 Oscar Josua started school – Both hard and very enjoyable, growing up a little to fast
02 Isabella started Kindergarten – wow changed from a baby to a toddler
03 Going back to school – My wisest decision in many years led to many great things
04 Isol deciding to go to school – made moving to Canada a reality
05 Deciding to move to Canada – This had been in the back of my mind for 3 years, finally did something to realize this dream
06 Buying my Eos 350 – led to new dimensions in my photography.
07 Einar and Obba (Isol´s grandparents) moving to a retirement home – good for them but no more Sunday dinners at Álfheimar.
08 My sister met her fiancé Gaui - another great person in all of our lives
09 My mother met and kept her goals this year this has a great impact in our lives
10 The Florida trip – We got to know Siggi, Isol´s granddad a lot better.
11 The trip to Vancouver Island - great trip and reassured us that this was the place to be.
I know these are 11 things but it has been a remarkable year.
Happy new year to everyone and may 2006 be a good year for all of you.