
Had a night out yesterday, Isol and I went downtown and had dinner at an Indian restaurant, very good Indian food. Afterwards we went to a movie, The Wickerman, fun flick strange ending. When we came back to our car there was glass everywhere, someone had broken into it by smashing the driver-side window. There was nothing of value in the car, except for a cheap lcd screen that acts as a second monitor for a portable dvd player. That was gone but nothing else. I really don’t care about the monitor, or even the cost of the window it’s the hassle I hate the most. I have found out today that I can’t get this repaired on a Sunday (should be lucrative on a Sunday, I mean Saturday nights must be the nights to break auto glass).
Now this was a very annoying experience but it does not top our encounter with the “security” guard at the car park. When informed of this incident he kind of shrugged and said, “oh really”. When asked what was the procedure in such circumstances he replied, “well, call the cops or sumpthin´” and went on to say it was not their responsibility. Then I asked if he could sweep up the glass or lend me a broom to do it myself as I did not want to get a flat tire in the bargain and he responded, “no I cant really do that” like a stone wall. Well we were not expecting him to pay for this or do something drastic, heroic or going out of his way, but we were expecting some help, information or advise and maybe a broom.
Well we have learned some lessons, park the car in the street at night, don’t take the car downtown on weekends (good points: drink beer) and take everything out of the car before expeditions into the wild downtown of Victoria on weekends (tongue in cheek) always have a broom in the car.
World-class service.
Yeb world class indeed, but this was our fault- leaving the lcd screen in the car was just like bait for burglars. Just lucky they didnt steal the car and trash it on a joyride.
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