Water at last…

Went kayaking for the first time this summer and for the first time in Canada. It was great to be on the water again and I guess I have found my love for the sport again. Just floating and looking and sensing the surroundings, discovering small things and seeing new places and animals. Talk about recharging the batteries!
Isol and I went to Portage Inlet, which is a canal/fjord that leads from Victoria Harbour and some kilometers inland. It is quite beautiful even though it is an urban paddle.
Did my first Eskimo roll in Canadian waters I am hesitant to call it my first roll in the Pacific, I´ll wait until we hit the real ocean for that one and that will not be a long wait, the kayaking is to good to waist around here.

We are planning on going to Orcas Island this september and take a course with Shawna and Leon, looking forward to that and it will be great to polish some of our skills and learn some new ones.