Thursday, March 09, 2006

New stuff

Been posting some photos on Flickr - most of them are from school, either from the portfolio or photos that did not make it that far.

I have also been doing some searching on Google - regarding Western Academy of Photography and have found some really good photographers that have graduated from WAP.

Deddeda is pretty good some very nice images on her site, which by the way is very nicely designed.

Farah Nosh is another graduate from WAP and has impressive images on her site

Taking out the trash

Monday, March 06, 2006

A long time

No posts - well I have been swamped at school, turned in the first half of my portfolio last week. The semester is more than half finished and I feel like I just started.
The apartment is still on the market, we have had no offers yet, hopefully soon though -
Einar my wifes grandfather died last week and his funeral is tommorrow, I miss him he was a great guy.
I took this photo of him last summer, he was very photogenic.