So our journey continues…and ends.

Death Valley was hot and beautiful, very desolate and in some ways it reminded me of Iceland. First there are no trees there to speak of and second the landscape is made from newish volcanic substances much like some of the highlands of Iceland.
We only stopped for one day and one night in the Valley before heading to Yosemite.

Yosemite is without a doubt the most beautiful place that I have yet seen in the USA.
Unbeliviably high mountains, nearly vertical, loom over the valley like big gurdians. The view from Glacier Point is so dramatic that it almost looks fake, like a set from a movie. I was a little bit dissapointed that I did not get to see a bear, Yosemite has about 400 black bears roaming its lands and it is quite common to see them even in the parking lots.

From Yosemite we drove up California, at first we followed highway 101, very scenic and beautiful but it kind of got me seasick and was taking a lot of time. We stayed in Eureka and Brookings Harbour before cutting inland for the Interstate.
In Oregon we stayed in Albany just south of Portland. Oregon is a nice place, very beautiful. Our most scenic route was in Wasington after hitting 101 again and travelling north the Olympic Peninsula, a part of USA that I would like to live in, but maybe that’s because it reminded me of Vancouver Island.

We stayed for one night in Port Angeles, in a hotel with an incredible view and yesterday we took the ferry over to Victoria.
We had no hassles in customs and I have to say that the Canadian customs officers are the nicest that I have encountered on my travels to date. Very nice to start our lives on a good note in a new country.
We will get our house at Uvic 1st of August and our address is:
3301-2371 Lam Circle
Victoria BC V8N 6K8